Candidate Spotlight: Brandon Birmingham

Candidate Spotlight: Brandon Birmingham, Court of Criminal Apppeals, Place 9

Running for: Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 9

Why is this office important?

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals is the court of last resort for all criminal matters in Texas. The Court chooses which cases it will hear, but capital punishment cases bypass intermediate appeals courts and are automatically appealed to this court. This court is comprised of a presiding judge and eight other judges, all of which are elected statewide. Currently, all judges on the Court are Republican — but this is the year we have a very real chance to bring change to the Court.

Why we support Brandon

Brandon is a judge of the 292nd District Court in Dallas. During his first term, he was honored by the Dallas County Felony Judiciary by being appointed as the Presiding Judge of all the Felony District Courts. He has practiced trial work, both as a judge and a prosecutor, for nearly 20 years. He promises to make justice the top priority for all Texans.

Judge Birmingham has spearheaded creative efforts to address key problems he has seen in the justice system. He co-created AIM Court to address the problem of mass incarceration by offering an innovative curriculum to address the root causes of the offender’s conduct — and upon successful completion, offer dismissal, expunction and a second chance. He also currently leads Family Domestic Violence Court, dedicated to protecting the victims of intimate partner domestic violence by eliminating abusive behavior patterns of offenders.

“In my first year as a Judge, I taped a note to my bench: ‘BE HUMBLE. This bench does not belong to you. It belongs to the people.’ The note faces me, a reminder that I work for the very people that appear in my court, a privilege I have because of you… I promise to work hard, remain fiercely independent, and use that little note as my guide.”

Brandon Birmingham

Learn more about Brandon

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